Kentucky Species Observation details

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Observations details for species Rainbow Trout Oncorhynchus mykiss for Letcher county
Observed Date:10/24/2009
Project Description:Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources. 2013. Reports from scientific collection permits with electronic submissions from 2005 through December 2013 (old web site). Frankfort.
Secondary Source:SC0911149
Review Status:Not reviewed
Observed Date:10/24/2009
Project Description:Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources. 2013. Reports from scientific collection permits with electronic submissions from 2005 through December 2013 (old web site). Frankfort.
Secondary Source:SC0911149
Review Status:Not reviewed
Observed Date:10/24/2009
Project Description:Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources. 2013. Reports from scientific collection permits with electronic submissions from 2005 through December 2013 (old web site). Frankfort.
Secondary Source:SC0911149
Review Status:Not reviewed
Observed Date:10/19/2008
Project Description:Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources. 2013. Reports from scientific collection permits with electronic submissions from 2005 through December 2013 (old web site). Frankfort.
Secondary Source:SC0811152
Review Status:Not reviewed
Observed Date:4/26/2001
Project Description:Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources. 2005. Reports from scientific collection permits prior to electronic submissions from 1998 through 2005. Records compiled by Kentucky Fish and Wildlife Information Systems section and verified by Wildlife Diversity Program. Frankfort.
Secondary Source:Appalachian Technical Services, Inc. 2001. Scientific Collection Report. Whitesburg, Kentucky.
Review Status:Not reviewed
Observed Date:10/28/1992
Project Description:Kentucky Division of Environmental Protection. 2009. Division of Environmental Analysis (DEA) Analysis's data collection for Water Quality, Fishes, and Aquatic Invertebrates. 1974-1982. 125 Holmes Street, Frankfort.
Review Status:Not reviewed
Observed Date:Not Available
Publish Year:1986
Project Description:Burr, B.M. and M.L. Warren, Jr. 1986. A Distributional Atlas of Kentucky Fishes. Kentucky State Nature Preserves Commission Scientific and Technical Series Number 4. Frankfort. 398 pp.
Secondary Source:Unknown
Review Status:Not reviewed
7 observations found
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