Kentucky Species Observation details

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Observations details for species Interior Least Tern Sternula antillarum athalassos for Wickliffe SW quad
ID#:North Columbus 1:2012
Observed Date:6/27/2012
Project Description:Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources. 2020. Data summarized (one record for each island) from Interior Least Tern nesting study or Ohio and Mississippi Rivers 2012, 2014-2020. Frankfort.
Review Status:Verified
Observed Date:6/25/2007
Project Description:Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources. 2013. Reports from scientific collection permits with electronic submissions from 2005 through December 2013 (old web site). Frankfort.
Secondary Source:SC0711001
Review Status:Verified
Observed Date:6/25/2007
Project Description:Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources. 2013. Reports from scientific collection permits with electronic submissions from 2005 through December 2013 (old web site). Frankfort.
Secondary Source:SC0711001
Review Status:Verified
Observed Date:6/25/2007
Project Description:Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources. 2013. Reports from scientific collection permits with electronic submissions from 2005 through December 2013 (old web site). Frankfort.
Secondary Source:SC0711001
Review Status:Verified
Observed Date:6/25/2007
Project Description:Kentucky State Nature Preserves Commission. 2017. Natural Heritage database updated June 2017. 801 Schenkel Lane Frankfort.
Review Status:Reasonable
Observed Date:7/22/2004
Project Description:Kentucky State Nature Preserves Commission. 2017. Natural Heritage database updated June 2017. 801 Schenkel Lane Frankfort.
Review Status:Reasonable
Observed Date:8/30/2003
Project Description:Cuzio, B. 2005. Waterbird observations from BirdKy listserve ( and Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resource observers compiled by Beth Cuzio. Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources, Frankfort.
Secondary Source:Bird KY
Review Status:Reasonable
Observed Date:8/24/2002
Project Description:Kentucky Ornithological Society and Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources. 2009. Compilation of Kentucky Warbler Seasonal Reports 2000-2008. Frankfort,
Secondary Source:Busroe, F.M. 2003. The Fall Migration -2002. The Kentucky Warbler 79(1):3-18.
Review Status:Reasonable
Observed Date:7/26/2001
Project Description:Jones, K. H. 1997-2012 (intermittent). Population Survey of The Interior Least Tern on the Mississippi River from Cape Girardeau, Missouri to Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Dyersburg State Community College (5 downloaded databases 1997-2001, 6 reports 2005-2012)
Review Status:Reasonable
Observed Date:7/26/2001
Project Description:Jones, K. H. 1997-2012 (intermittent). Population Survey of The Interior Least Tern on the Mississippi River from Cape Girardeau, Missouri to Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Dyersburg State Community College (5 downloaded databases 1997-2001, 6 reports 2005-2012)
Review Status:Reasonable
Observed Date:7/3/1999
Project Description:Jones, K. H. 1997-2012 (intermittent). Population Survey of The Interior Least Tern on the Mississippi River from Cape Girardeau, Missouri to Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Dyersburg State Community College (5 downloaded databases 1997-2001, 6 reports 2005-2012)
Review Status:Reasonable
Observed Date:8/7/1998
Project Description:Jones, K. H. 1997-2012 (intermittent). Population Survey of The Interior Least Tern on the Mississippi River from Cape Girardeau, Missouri to Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Dyersburg State Community College (5 downloaded databases 1997-2001, 6 reports 2005-2012)
Review Status:Reasonable
Observed Date:8/7/1998
Project Description:Kentucky State Nature Preserves Commission. 2017. Natural Heritage database updated June 2017. 801 Schenkel Lane Frankfort.
Review Status:Reasonable
Observed Date:8/1/1997
Project Description:Kentucky State Nature Preserves Commission. 2017. Natural Heritage database updated June 2017. 801 Schenkel Lane Frankfort.
Review Status:Reasonable
Observed Date:8/1/1997
Project Description:Jones, K. H. 1997-2012 (intermittent). Population Survey of The Interior Least Tern on the Mississippi River from Cape Girardeau, Missouri to Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Dyersburg State Community College (5 downloaded databases 1997-2001, 6 reports 2005-2012)
Review Status:Reasonable
Observed Date:7/28/1997
Project Description:Jones, K. H. 1997-2012 (intermittent). Population Survey of The Interior Least Tern on the Mississippi River from Cape Girardeau, Missouri to Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Dyersburg State Community College (5 downloaded databases 1997-2001, 6 reports 2005-2012)
Review Status:Reasonable
Observed Date:1/1/1994
Project Description:Kentucky State Nature Preserves Commission. 2017. Natural Heritage database updated June 2017. 801 Schenkel Lane Frankfort.
Review Status:Reasonable
Observed Date:7/1/1988
Project Description:Kentucky State Nature Preserves Commission. 2017. Natural Heritage database updated June 2017. 801 Schenkel Lane Frankfort.
Review Status:Reasonable
Observed Date:6/16/1988
Project Description:Kentucky State Nature Preserves Commission. 2017. Natural Heritage database updated June 2017. 801 Schenkel Lane Frankfort.
Review Status:Reasonable
Observed Date:6/11/1988
Project Description:Kentucky State Nature Preserves Commission. 2017. Natural Heritage database updated June 2017. 801 Schenkel Lane Frankfort.
Review Status:Reasonable
Observed Date:7/19/1985
Project Description:Kentucky State Nature Preserves Commission. 2017. Natural Heritage database updated June 2017. 801 Schenkel Lane Frankfort.
Review Status:Reasonable
Observed Date:Not Available
Observed Year:2009
Project Description:Jones, K. H. 1997-2012 (intermittent). Population Survey of The Interior Least Tern on the Mississippi River from Cape Girardeau, Missouri to Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Dyersburg State Community College (5 downloaded databases 1997-2001, 6 reports 2005-2012)
Review Status:Reasonable
Observed Date:Not Available
Observed Year:2005
Project Description:Jones, K. H. 1997-2012 (intermittent). Population Survey of The Interior Least Tern on the Mississippi River from Cape Girardeau, Missouri to Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Dyersburg State Community College (5 downloaded databases 1997-2001, 6 reports 2005-2012)
Review Status:Reasonable
Observed Date:Not Available
Observed Year:2012
Project Description:Jones, K. H. 1997-2012 (intermittent). Population Survey of The Interior Least Tern on the Mississippi River from Cape Girardeau, Missouri to Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Dyersburg State Community College (5 downloaded databases 1997-2001, 6 reports 2005-2012)
Review Status:Reasonable
Observed Date:Not Available
Publish Year:1996
Project Description:Palmer-Ball, Brainard L. , Jr. 1996. The Kentucky breeding bird atlas. The University Press of Kentucky, Lexington.
Review Status:Reasonable
Observed Date:Not Available
Observed Year:2006
Project Description:Kentucky Ornithological Society and Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources. 2009. Compilation of Kentucky Warbler Seasonal Reports 2000-2008. Frankfort,
Secondary Source:Palmer-Ball, Jr. , B. and L. McNeely. 2006. Summer Season 2006. The Kentucky Warbler 82(4):79-84.
Review Status:Reasonable
26 observations found
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