Species Information

How to use the data
Linked life history provided courtesy of NatureServe Explorer.
Life History & County/Quad list Search by Keyword
Keyword:  Common Name Scientific Name Genus

Life History & County/Quad list Search by Species group Species list Search by County Species list Search by Quad
All Species County Quad
All Federal Status County Quad
All State Status County Quad
Amphibians County Quad
Birds County Quad
Malacostraca -Crayfish County Quad
Fish County Quad
Lampreys County Quad
Mammals County Quad
Mussels County Quad
Reptiles County Quad
Snails County Quad
Turtles County Quad
Extirpated species
Birds not coverered by Migratory Bird Treaty Act.

About Life History & County/Quad list - Search by Keyword

Provides the Life History of each species and observations by county/quad. You first select the Keyword; either Common Name, Scientific Name, or Genus. Then type in a word or part of the word in the text box. Species names will be listed that contain that word. You then can choose the information on life history or species observations by county/quad from the species list.

About Life History & County/Quad list - Search by Species Group

Provides the Life History of each species and observations by county/quad. Clicking on a group of species will list species in that group. You then can choose the information on life history or county or quad observations. Note: Select All Species to generate statewide list. You may also select All Federal Status, All State Status, or an appropriate Taxonomic group to generate the list of species.

Your search will be sorted by Class and Common Name. You don't need to click 'UPDATE SORTING' if you want the sort in this order. Otherwise, select the sorting below, and click the update button.

First Sort     
Second Sort

About Species list - Search by County
Lists county names based on All Species, All Federal Status, All State Status, or a Taxonomic group. When you select "County", 120 county names will be listed. You then select a county or multiple counties to generate a list of species in that county(ies).

About Species list - Search by Quad
Lists 7.5' USGS Quadrangle topographic map names based on All Species, All Federal Status, All State Status, or a Taxonomic group. When you select "Quad", 779 quad names will be listed. You then select a quad or multiple quads to generate a list of species in that quad(s).