Please review the Data Changes, and if you have any questions please feel free to email us.
Your Permit Number is located on your permit in the top right hand corner.
The Primary Collector column should match the name of the person who applied for the permit.
Not Required
A complete list of valid names can be found here.
A complete list of valid names can be found here.
This must be in a date format. For the most part, we like to keep it simple and easy.
We have done our best to accommodate many different date formats, but some won't work.
A numeric value ranging from 1 - 10000. For example "55" or "80"
Other valid entries are;
This is not required, and can be blank
A complete list of Capture Methods can be found here.
A complete list of counties can be found here.
Making sure that you are in the right Quad has never been easier. Try our new Quad Lookup if you are having problems finding Quad.
We check to make sure the Lat Long given falls into a range to match the Datum.
If you are having a problem figuring out what are the valid Lat Long ranges for each Quad, then you can go here.
Lat degrees have to be between 36 and 39.
Long degrees have to be between -89 and -82.
Lat min, Lat sec, Long min and Long sec need to be between 0 and 59
This field is optional
Additonal Comments
This field is used for additional information about the animal. In the case of a hybrid species, or species that could only be identified to species, this should include the species . examples Lepomis hybrid, or Morone saxatilis x M. chrysops, Morone sp. In these cases the scientific name should be set to “Other”, and the Common name should be set to “Other (enter Genus, Hybrid in Additional Comments)”
Length of bat forearm in millimeters. This is required if the bat was captured and did not escape
Number on bat band. This is required if the bat was banded. If the bat already had a band, enter the Bat Band Num, and put a comment in Additional Comments that this is a recapture.
This is not required, and can be blank
This is not required, and can be blank
This is not required, and can be blank
This is not required, and can be blank
Length of hind foot must be in millimeters and formatted as Numeric or Decimal value
Tail length in millimeters and must be formatted as a Numeric or Decimal value
Total length (tail & body) in millimeters and must be formatted as a Numeric or Decimal value
Note: Mammal Reproductive Condition is required for Bats.
Mass in grams. This is required if the bat was captured and did not escape
If Mammal Reproductive Condition is Pregnant, Gravid, Lactating, or Postlactating the allowed values are;
Not allowed values;
If Mammal Reproductive Condition is Scrotal the allowed values are;
Not allowed values;
If Life Stage is equal to Juvenile or Subadult, then then allowed values are;
The values that are not allowed are;