Syncing your Calendar with Google

Our Calendar's Address:

NOTE: Adding our calendar to Google must be done on a desktop computer. After you have added our calendar to Google you can sync your phone to show the calendar.

Part 1- Adding our calendar to your Google Calendar

1. From a desktop computer, go to and sign in. If you do not have a Google Account create one using the link provided at the bottom of the page.

Sign in screen for Google calendars

2. Near the bottom left side of the screen, click the dropdown arrow to the right of "Other Calendars" and select "Add by URL."

Add Calender with url select screen

3. Copy the URL below.

4. In the pop up window paste the above url into the "Add by URL" text box.

URL pop up window

That's it. You have successfully added our calendar to your Google calendars

Part 2- Sync Calendar with a mobile device

Here is a link to Google’s help documentation on how to sync your calendars with a mobile device.

Sync Calendar with a mobile device