Sloughs WMA

WMA Overview

Size: 11175 acres
Location: Henderson & Union
Contact: (270) 827-2673
Elevation: minimum 338 feet, maximum 487 feet.
Entrance GPS coordinates: Latitude N 37.8609, Longitude W -87.7793
Area Habitat: open land 27.70%, forest 11.10%, wetland 59.69%, open water 1.51%.


Ash Flats, Grassy Pond, Powells Lake, Jenny Hole, Highland Creek, and Cape Hills units are open for all hunting and trapping seasons. Jenny Hole unit shall be closed to boats from Thanksgiving Day through Jan. 31 except for persons participating in waterfowl quota hunts.

Open under county and statewide regulations, except:

Deer Season Restrictions:

  • Archery/Crossbow: Sauerheber Unit closes to public access from November 1 through March 15, as designated by signs, except for waterfowl quota hunt permittees.
  • Muzzleloader: Sauerheber Unit closes to public access from November 1 through March 15, as designated by signs, except for waterfowl quota hunt permittees.
  • Modern Gun: Sauerheber Unit closes to public access from November 1 through March 15, as designated by signs, except for waterfowl quota hunt permittees.
  • Youth Gun: Sauerheber Unit closes to public access from November 1 through March 15, as designated by signs, except for waterfowl quota hunt permittees.

Rabbit and Quail: Closed.

Turkey: Sauerheber Unit closes to public access from November 1 through March 15, as designated by signs, except for waterfowl quota hunt permittees.

Furbearer: Sauerheber Unit closes to public access from November 1 through March 15, as designated by signs, except for waterfowl quota hunt permittees.

Directions & Description

WMA located approximately 10 miles west of Henderson, KY, consists of 6 units. Refer to the pertinent Hunting Guides for specific rules regarding hunting and trapping. Alternating ridges and sloughs, moist soil management units, woodlands, brush, and open crop fields are found here. Recognized nationally as an Important Birding Area by the National Audobon Society and a High Priority Area by Ducks Unlimited, the WMA hosts up to 40,000 geese and 30,000 ducks annually.

  • Sauerheber Unit: 6.5 miles northwest of Geneva on KY 268. Refer to current Hunting and Trapping Guide for special regulations that apply to this unit.
  • Jenny Hole and Highland units are divided by a ridge separating Caney Slough and Fishtrap Slough. Units are approximately 2.5 miles west of Smith Mills and 1.5 miles north of Uniontown on KY 136. Refer to the current Hunting and Trapping Guide for special regulations that apply to these units
  • Ash Flats Unit: Located 3 miles northeast of Hebbardsville on Mason Landing RD.
  • Grassy Pond-Powells Lake Unit: Located 6 miles north of Uniontown and 12 miles west of Smith Mills on KY 136.
  • Cape Hills Unit. Located 1 mile north of Smith Mills. West access off KY 136 on Martin-Martin RD near Smith Mills; East access off Mill Street, Smith Mills.

    Owned by US Army Corps of Engineers and Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources.