Dr. James R. Rich WMA

WMA Overview

Size: 2265 acres
Location: Owen
Contact: (502) 535-6335
Elevation: minimum 714 feet, maximum 940 feet.
Entrance GPS coordinates: Latitude N 38.3945, Longitude W -84.7284
Area Habitat: open land 4.15%, forest 95.94%, wetland 0.00%, open water 0.00%.


Open under statewide rules and regulations, except:

Deer Season Restrictions:

  • Muzzleloader: Open Only for December Muzzleloader Season.
  • Modern Gun: Quota Hunt Only.

Directions & Description

Accessed from KY 227, KY 1474 and Red Oak RD. Steep hillsides, ridge tops and floodplains with a combination of woods, brush and grasslands.

For Quota Hunts, check in station is at John A. Kleber WMA. See map for Kleber WMA.

Owned by Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources