Doug Travis WMA

WMA Overview

Size: 4132 acres
Location: Carlisle & Hickman
Contact: (270) 488-3233
Elevation: minimum 280 feet, maximum 456 feet.
Entrance GPS coordinates: Latitude N 36.8015, Longitude W -89.0933
Area Habitat: open land 39.67%, forest 24.83%, wetland 29.55%, open water 5.93%.


Spring Hunting: Open under statewide rules and regulations for the county.

Some areas are closed to public access as marked by signs from November 1 - March 15.

Directions & Description

South of Wickliffe along Mississippi River. From Paducah, take HWY 62 (west) to Bardwell, then pick up HWY 123 to its intersection with HWY 877 at Berkley. Continue south on HWY 123 to the WMA office driveway on the right less than ½ mile from the intersection. From Wickliffe, take HWY 51(south) to Bardwell and pick up HWY 123 to Berkley.

Bottomland hardwood forest, cypress sloughs, moist-soil units and cropland. Several oxbow lakes for fishing from bank or small boats. Great blue heron rookery. Populations of deer, turkey, squirrel, furbearers and waterfowl exist on the area.

Open to statewide hunting regulations, except special regulations apply for waterfowl hunting on portions of the area. Portions of the area are closed to all access Nov. 1-March 15.

Owned by Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources.