Legacy WMA

WMA Overview

Size: 21820 acres
Location: Floyd, Martin, and Pike Counties
Contact: Scott Freidhof 606-783-8634. Contact Joe McDermott 502-892-4432 for elk hunting questions.
Elevation: minimum 720 feet, maximum 1650 feet.
Entrance GPS coordinates: Latitude N , Longitude W
Area Habitat: open land 14.84%, forest 84.74%, wetland 0.02%, open water 0.39%.


Open under county and statewide regulations, except:

Elk Quota: Portions open during quota elk hunts to persons who possess the appropriate elk hunting permit.

Directions & Description

This area is open for the hunting of all game animals, but refer to tract description for elk hunting specifics. Damage to any trees, such as screw-in steps, baiting, and hunting over or with the aid of bait are prohibited on the properties.

Active surface mining operations may still be taking place on the area. Please be careful when navigating the haul roads and stay well away from equipment and high wall mines. Semi-trucks and mining equipment always have the right-of-way!

North Martin County: Contact: Scott Freidhof 606-783-8634 This property is located in Martin County northeast of Dewey Lake WMA. Habitat on this area consists of reclaimed strip mine land comprised of grass and scrub with areas of timber dispersed over the area. This section of the property is within Elk Hunting Unit 6. A portion of the property on the southern part of this map is managed as the Tug Fork Regulated Area for elk hunting, while the remainder is open without restrictions to hunters selected for this unit. Drawn elk hunters may apply to hunt this property during the Elk Hunting Unit and Regulated Area drawing. Please refer to the elk hunting portion of our website.

Tug Fork - Martin: Contact: Scott Freidhof 606-783-8634 This property is comprised of reclaimed strip mine areas of varying stage/ age of reclamation as well as large sections of timber. This property is located within Elk Hunting Unit 6 in Martin, Floyd, and Pike Counties. The majority of this tract is managed as the Tug Fork Regulated Area, but the smaller outlying tracts are open without restrictions to hunters selected for this unit. Drawn elk hunters may apply to hunt this property during the Elk Hunting Unit and Regulated Area drawing. Please refer to the elk hunting portion of our website.

South Martin - Pike: Contact: Scott Freidhof 606-783-8634 This tract is located in Martin and Pike Counties, and is comprised of large sections of reclaimed surface mines bisected by timbered ridges and hollows. This portion of the property is split into Elk Hunting Units 6 and 7 with highway 119 being the dividing line, with north and west of 119 Unit 6, and south and east unit 7. Be aware that the northwest corner of this tract is managed as the Tug Fork Regulated Area, but the rest of this tract is open to elk hunters without restrictions to those selected for these units. Drawn elk hunters may apply to hunt this property during the Elk Hunting Unit and Regulated Area drawing. Please refer to the elk hunting portion of our website.