Griffith Woods WMA

WMA Overview

Size: 746 acres
Location: Harrison
Contact: (859)-428-2262
Elevation: minimum 790 feet, maximum 920 feet.
Entrance GPS coordinates: Latitude N 38.3345, Longitude W -84.3544
Area Habitat: open land 47.86%, forest 52.14%, wetland 0.00%, open water 0.00%.



Throughout March and April, trained officials with the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources will use prescribed burns for habitat improvement projects in agency WMAs. Fire experts conduct controlled burns to help restore local ecosystems dependent on fire. Local officials have been notified. Please check back for more information.

Spring Hunting: Open under statewide rules and regulations for the county.

Accessibility Icon

Accessible WMA

Area: Entire Area.
Terrain: Level to rolling.
ADA Acreage: Entire Area.
For more information, please consult the Public Lands page.

Directions & Description

Griffith Woods WMA (in the past referred to as Silver Lake Farm) is located in Harrison County near the junction of US 62 and Russell Cave RD (State RD 353). It is approximately 4 miles southwest of Cynthiana, 15 miles east of Georgetown, and 25 miles northeast of Lexington. KDFWR purchased approximately 350 acres from The Nature Conservancy while the University of Kentucky donated 391 acres acquired through the Kentucky Heritage Land Conservation Fund. The Nature Conservancy donated an additional 9 acres and retained ownership of a small parcel containing a family cemetery that is not open to public use.

The area has a long history of human occupation and agricultural use. The property consists of various cover types ranging from agriculture, old field, pasture, and woodland including a unique open woodland composed of chinquapin oaks, burr oaks, and blue ash that are 150-350 years old. This open woodland habitat is representative of a blue ash-oak savanna-woodland community type thought to have occupied the Bluegrass Region of Kentucky around the time of European settlement. KDFWR will focus on preserving and restoring this unique landscape while providing outdoor recreational opportunity for hunters, wildlife viewers, hikers, and other outdoor enthusiasts.

While upon a WMA, a person shall not discharge a firearm within 100 yards of a residence or occupied building, whether or not the building is on the WMA. Mobility impaired access to permit holders in designated areas, which is currently the whole wildlife management area.

Owned by Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources.