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District and Regional Maps
Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources
#1 Sportsman's Lane
Frankfort, KY 40601
Toll Free: 800-858-1549 or Local: 502-564-3400

Information Center: 800-858-1549 or 502-564-3400

Report a Law Violation: 800-25-ALERT (25378)

E-Mail our Information Center for fish and wildife related questions.

E-Mail the Webmaster if you have problems or questions about our website.

E-Mail FW HR if you have questions regarding careers with our department.

E-Mail our News Media Team If you are media, please contact our media team.

E-Mail FW Marketing if you are seeking support for an event.

Visit our Donations Page to learn about opportunities to donate to our department.

We attempt to promptly respond to every email received. However, due to the volume of email received, some responses may take a week or more to research. You may find a quicker answer by searching our web site or calling our toll free information line at: 1-800-858-1549 or local: 502-564-3400.