Paul Van Booven WMA

WMA Overview

Size: 2287 acres
Location: Breathitt
Contact: 606-344-0585
Elevation: minimum 739 feet, maximum 1543 feet.
Entrance GPS coordinates: Latitude N 37.4471, Longitude W -83.2038
Area Habitat: open land 12.37%, forest 87.45%, wetland 0.00%, open water 0.22%.


Open under county and statewide regulations, except:

Deer Season Restrictions:

  • Muzzleloader: Closed.
  • Modern Gun: Closed.
  • Youth Gun: Closed.

Elk Quota: Closed.

Directions & Description

Located off Kentucky HWY 476. From Jackson - travel approximately 6 miles on HWY 15 south, then east on HWY 476 approximately 12 miles. At Breathitt/Perry County line, turn left on Buckhorn Creek RD and travel less than one mile to gated entrance on the right. Area is gated and foot travel only is allowed behind any locked gate. Directions from Hazard - travel approximately 7 miles east on HWY 80, then west on HWY 476 approximately 14 miles. Turn right on Buckhorn Creek RD and follow directions above.

Paul Van Booven WMA is located in southeast Breathitt County. The WMA consists of over 2,000 acres of reclaimed surface mines and forests. The University of Kentucky owned property is the site of many ongoing research projects related to forest management and mine reclamation. Good to moderate populations of elk, quail, rabbits, deer, turkey and songbirds exist on the area.

Through the cooperative agreement with the University of Kentucky the area is an Elk Viewing Area and is closed to elk hunting.

The area is open for hunting under statewide regulations except for archery/crossbow only for deer.