Species Information

Aves (Bird) observations for selected quads

Linked life history provided courtesy of NatureServe Explorer.
Records may include both recent and historical observations.
US Status Definitions     Kentucky Status Definitions

List Aves (Bird) observations in 1 selected quad.
Selected quad is: Central City West.

Scientific Name and Life HistoryCommon Name and PicturesClassQuadUS StatusKY StatusWAPReference
Empidonax virescens Acadian FlycatcherAvesCentral City WestNN Reference
Botaurus lentiginosus American BitternAvesCentral City WestNHYesReference
Fulica americana American CootAvesCentral City WestNE Reference
Corvus brachyrhynchos American CrowAvesCentral City WestNN Reference
Spinus tristis American GoldfinchAvesCentral City WestNN Reference
Falco sparverius American KestrelAvesCentral City WestNNYesReference
Setophaga ruticilla American RedstartAvesCentral City WestNN Reference
Turdus migratorius American RobinAvesCentral City WestNN Reference
Spizelloides arborea American Tree SparrowAvesCentral City WestNN Reference
Haliaeetus leucocephalus Bald EagleAvesCentral City WestNSYesReference
Icterus galbula Baltimore OrioleAvesCentral City WestNN Reference
Riparia riparia Bank SwallowAvesCentral City WestNSYesReference
Tyto alba Barn OwlAvesCentral City WestNSYesReference
Hirundo rustica Barn SwallowAvesCentral City WestNN Reference
Strix varia Barred OwlAvesCentral City WestNN Reference
Setophaga castanea Bay-breasted WarblerAvesCentral City WestNN Reference
Vireo bellii Bell's VireoAvesCentral City WestNSYesReference
Megaceryle alcyon Belted KingfisherAvesCentral City WestNN Reference
Coragyps atratus Black VultureAvesCentral City WestNN Reference
Coccyzus erythropthalmus Black-billed CuckooAvesCentral City WestNN Reference
Setophaga virens Black-throated Green WarblerAvesCentral City WestNNYesReference
Passerina caerulea Blue GrosbeakAvesCentral City WestNN Reference
Cyanocitta cristata Blue JayAvesCentral City WestNN Reference
Polioptila caerulea Blue-gray GnatcatcherAvesCentral City WestNN Reference
Vireo solitarius Blue-headed VireoAvesCentral City WestNN Reference
Spatula discors Blue-winged TealAvesCentral City WestNT Reference
Dolichonyx oryzivorus BobolinkAvesCentral City WestNSYesReference
Certhia americana Brown CreeperAvesCentral City WestNT Reference
Toxostoma rufum Brown ThrasherAvesCentral City WestNN Reference
Molothrus ater Brown-headed CowbirdAvesCentral City WestNN Reference
Branta canadensis Canada GooseAvesCentral City WestNN Reference
Poecile carolinensis Carolina ChickadeeAvesCentral City WestNN Reference
Thryothorus ludovicianus Carolina WrenAvesCentral City WestNN Reference
Bubulcus ibis Cattle EgretAvesCentral City WestNS Reference
Bombycilla cedrorum Cedar WaxwingAvesCentral City WestNN Reference
Setophaga pensylvanica Chestnut-sided WarblerAvesCentral City WestNN Reference
Chaetura pelagica Chimney SwiftAvesCentral City WestNN Reference
Spizella passerina Chipping SparrowAvesCentral City WestNN Reference
Antrostomus carolinensis Chuck-will's-widowAvesCentral City WestNNYesReference
Petrochelidon pyrrhonota Cliff SwallowAvesCentral City WestNN Reference
Gallinula galeata Common GallinuleAvesCentral City WestNTYesReference
Quiscalus quiscula Common GrackleAvesCentral City WestNN Reference
Chordeiles minor Common NighthawkAvesCentral City WestNN Reference
Geothlypis trichas Common YellowthroatAvesCentral City WestNN Reference
Accipiter cooperii Cooper's HawkAvesCentral City WestNN Reference
Junco hyemalis Dark-eyed JuncoAvesCentral City WestNS Reference
Spiza americana DickcisselAvesCentral City WestNNYesReference
Dryobates pubescens Downy WoodpeckerAvesCentral City WestNN Reference
Calidris alpina DunlinAvesCentral City WestNNYesReference
Sialia sialis Eastern BluebirdAvesCentral City WestNN Reference
Tyrannus tyrannus Eastern KingbirdAvesCentral City WestNN Reference
Sturnella magna Eastern MeadowlarkAvesCentral City WestNNYesReference
Sayornis phoebe Eastern PhoebeAvesCentral City WestNN Reference
Pipilo erythrophthalmus Eastern TowheeAvesCentral City WestNN Reference
Contopus virens Eastern Wood-PeweeAvesCentral City WestNN Reference
Sturnus vulgaris European StarlingAvesCentral City WestNN Reference
Spizella pusilla Field SparrowAvesCentral City WestNNYesReference
Plegadis falcinellus Glossy IbisAvesCentral City WestNN Reference
Vermivora chrysoptera Golden-winged WarblerAvesCentral City WestNEYesReference
Ammodramus savannarum Grasshopper SparrowAvesCentral City WestNNYesReference
Dumetella carolinensis Gray CatbirdAvesCentral City WestNN Reference
Ardea herodias Great Blue HeronAvesCentral City WestNN Reference
Myiarchus crinitus Great Crested FlycatcherAvesCentral City WestNN Reference
Tringa melanoleuca Greater YellowlegsAvesCentral City WestNN Reference
Butorides virescens Green HeronAvesCentral City WestNNYesReference
Pipilo chlorurus Green-tailed TowheeAvesCentral City WestNN Reference
Dryobates villosus Hairy WoodpeckerAvesCentral City WestNN Reference
Centronyx henslowii Henslow's SparrowAvesCentral City WestNSYesReference
Eremophila alpestris Horned LarkAvesCentral City WestNN Reference
Haemorhous mexicanus House FinchAvesCentral City WestNN Reference
Passer domesticus House SparrowAvesCentral City WestNN Reference
Troglodytes aedon House WrenAvesCentral City WestNN Reference
Passerina cyanea Indigo BuntingAvesCentral City WestNN Reference
Geothlypis formosa Kentucky WarblerAvesCentral City WestNNYesReference
Charadrius vociferus KilldeerAvesCentral City WestNN Reference
Chondestes grammacus Lark SparrowAvesCentral City WestNS Reference
Empidonax minimus Least FlycatcherAvesCentral City WestNEYesReference
Calidris minutilla Least SandpiperAvesCentral City WestNN Reference
Ammospiza leconteii LeConte's SparrowAvesCentral City WestNN Reference
Tringa flavipes Lesser YellowlegsAvesCentral City WestNNYesReference
Asio otus Long-eared OwlAvesCentral City WestNEYesReference
Parkesia motacilla Louisiana WaterthrushAvesCentral City WestNNYesReference
Anas platyrhynchos MallardAvesCentral City WestNN Reference
Cistothorus palustris Marsh WrenAvesCentral City WestNN Reference
Zenaida macroura Mourning DoveAvesCentral City WestNN Reference
Cygnus olor Mute SwanAvesCentral City WestNN Reference
Leiothlypis ruficapilla Nashville WarblerAvesCentral City WestNN Reference
Colinus virginianus Northern BobwhiteAvesCentral City WestNNYesReference
Cardinalis cardinalis Northern CardinalAvesCentral City WestNN Reference
Colaptes auratus Northern FlickerAvesCentral City WestNN Reference
Circus hudsonius Northern HarrierAvesCentral City WestNTYesReference
Mimus polyglottos Northern MockingbirdAvesCentral City WestNN Reference
Setophaga americana Northern ParulaAvesCentral City WestNN Reference
Stelgidopteryx serripennis Northern Rough-winged SwallowAvesCentral City WestNN Reference
Spatula clypeata Northern ShovelerAvesCentral City WestNE Reference
Parkesia noveboracensis Northern WaterthrushAvesCentral City WestNN Reference
Leiothlypis celata Orange-crowned WarblerAvesCentral City WestNN Reference
Icterus spurius Orchard OrioleAvesCentral City WestNN Reference
Pandion haliaetus OspreyAvesCentral City WestNSYesReference
Setophaga palmarum Palm WarblerAvesCentral City WestNN Reference
Calidris melanotos Pectoral SandpiperAvesCentral City WestNN Reference
Dryocopus pileatus Pileated WoodpeckerAvesCentral City WestNN Reference
Setophaga pinus Pine WarblerAvesCentral City WestNN Reference
Setophaga discolor Prairie WarblerAvesCentral City WestNNYesReference
Protonotaria citrea Prothonotary WarblerAvesCentral City WestNNYesReference
Progne subis Purple MartinAvesCentral City WestNN Reference
Melanerpes carolinus Red-bellied WoodpeckerAvesCentral City WestNN Reference
Vireo olivaceus Red-eyed VireoAvesCentral City WestNN Reference
Melanerpes erythrocephalus Red-headed WoodpeckerAvesCentral City WestNNYesReference
Buteo lineatus Red-shouldered HawkAvesCentral City WestNN Reference
Buteo jamaicensis Red-tailed HawkAvesCentral City WestNN Reference
Agelaius phoeniceus Red-winged BlackbirdAvesCentral City WestNN Reference
Columba livia Rock PigeonAvesCentral City WestNN Reference
Pheucticus ludovicianus Rose-breasted GrosbeakAvesCentral City WestNS Reference
Regulus calendula Ruby-crowned KingletAvesCentral City WestNN Reference
Archilochus colubris Ruby-throated HummingbirdAvesCentral City WestNN Reference
Euphagus carolinus Rusty BlackbirdAvesCentral City WestNNYesReference
Passerculus sandwichensis Savannah SparrowAvesCentral City WestNSYesReference
Piranga olivacea Scarlet TanagerAvesCentral City WestNN Reference
Charadrius semipalmatus Semipalmated PloverAvesCentral City WestNN Reference
Asio flammeus Short-eared OwlAvesCentral City WestNEYesReference
Tringa solitaria Solitary SandpiperAvesCentral City WestNNYesReference
Melospiza melodia Song SparrowAvesCentral City WestNN Reference
Porzana carolina SoraAvesCentral City WestNNYesReference
Actitis macularius Spotted SandpiperAvesCentral City WestNEYesReference
Piranga rubra Summer TanagerAvesCentral City WestNN Reference
Melospiza georgiana Swamp SparrowAvesCentral City WestNN Reference
Leiothlypis peregrina Tennessee WarblerAvesCentral City WestNN Reference
Tachycineta bicolor Tree SwallowAvesCentral City WestNN Reference
Baeolophus bicolor Tufted TitmouseAvesCentral City WestNN Reference
Cathartes aura Turkey VultureAvesCentral City WestNN Reference
Catharus fuscescens VeeryAvesCentral City WestNN Reference
Rallus limicola Virginia RailAvesCentral City WestNNYesReference
Vireo gilvus Warbling VireoAvesCentral City WestNN Reference
Antrostomus vociferus Whip-poor-willAvesCentral City WestNNYesReference
Sitta carolinensis White-breasted NuthatchAvesCentral City WestNN Reference
Vireo griseus White-eyed VireoAvesCentral City WestNN Reference
Calidris fuscicollis White-rumped SandpiperAvesCentral City WestNN Reference
Zonotrichia albicollis White-throated SparrowAvesCentral City WestNN Reference
Meleagris gallopavo Wild TurkeyAvesCentral City WestNN Reference
Empidonax traillii Willow FlycatcherAvesCentral City WestNNYesReference
Gallinago delicata Wilson's SnipeAvesCentral City WestNNYesReference
Troglodytes hiemalis Winter WrenAvesCentral City WestNN Reference
Aix sponsa Wood DuckAvesCentral City WestNN Reference
Hylocichla mustelina Wood ThrushAvesCentral City WestNNYesReference
Setophaga petechia Yellow WarblerAvesCentral City WestNN Reference
Sphyrapicus varius Yellow-bellied SapsuckerAvesCentral City WestNN Reference
Coccyzus americanus Yellow-billed CuckooAvesCentral City WestNNYesReference
Icteria virens Yellow-breasted ChatAvesCentral City WestNN Reference
Setophaga coronata Yellow-rumped WarblerAvesCentral City WestNN Reference
Vireo flavifrons Yellow-throated VireoAvesCentral City WestNN Reference
Setophaga dominica Yellow-throated WarblerAvesCentral City WestNN Reference
152 species are listed.