Kentucky Species Observation details

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Observations details for species Eastern Black Kingsnake Lampropeltis nigra for Bell county
Observed Date:3/1/1968
Project Description:Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources. 2013. Subset of select museum and university collections.
Secondary Source:Carl Ernst Personal Collection
Review Status:Reasonable
ID#:574337.10469241.USNM-Amphibians & Reptiles
Observed Date:3/1/1968
Project Description:vertnet. 2015. Kentucky data downloaded from, a compilation of data from multiple collections. The secondary source should be used to obtain the data publisher and record citation for a particular record (accessed on February 6, 2015).
Secondary Source:Smithsonian Institution National Museum of Natural History
Review Status:Reasonable
Observed Date:10/20/1935
Project Description:Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources. 2013. Subset of select museum and university collections.
Secondary Source:University of Michigan Museum of Zoology
Review Status:Reasonable
Observed Date:Not Available
Observed Year:1925
Project Description:Funkhouser, W. D. 1925. Wildlife in Kentucky. Kentucky Geological Survey, Frankfort, 385 pp.
Secondary Source:Funkhouser 1925
Review Status:Questionable
Observed Date:Not Available
Observed Year:1979
Project Description:Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources. 2015. Various scientific publications, reports, and paper scientific collection submissions 1960 to present. Records compiled by Kentucky Fish and Wildlife Information Systems section. Frankfort.
Secondary Source:Barbour, R. W., W. H. Davis, and R. A. Kuehne. 1979. The Vertebrate Fauna of Cumberland Gap National Historical Park. Contract C x 5000 71 232, National Park Service.
Review Status:Not reviewed
Observed Date:Not Available
Observed Year:1979
Project Description:Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources. 2015. Various scientific publications, reports, and paper scientific collection submissions 1960 to present. Records compiled by Kentucky Fish and Wildlife Information Systems section. Frankfort.
Secondary Source:Barbour, R. W., W. H. Davis, and R. A. Kuehne. 1979. The Vertebrate Fauna of Cumberland Gap National Historical Park. Contract C x 5000 71 232, National Park Service.
Review Status:Not reviewed
6 observations found
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