Kentucky Species Observation details

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Observations details for species Whip-poor-will Antrostomus vociferus for Leslie county
Observed Date:5/29/2020 9:25:00 PM
Project Description:Center for Conservation Biology, College of William and Mary. 2020. The United States Nightjar Survey Network. Data for Kentucky 2016-2020.
Review Status:Reasonable
Observed Date:5/29/2020 9:25:00 PM
Project Description:Center for Conservation Biology, College of William and Mary. 2020. The United States Nightjar Survey Network. Data for Kentucky 2016-2020.
Review Status:Reasonable
Observed Date:5/29/2020 9:25:00 PM
Project Description:Center for Conservation Biology, College of William and Mary. 2020. The United States Nightjar Survey Network. Data for Kentucky 2016-2020.
Review Status:Reasonable
Observed Date:5/29/2020 9:25:00 PM
Project Description:Center for Conservation Biology, College of William and Mary. 2020. The United States Nightjar Survey Network. Data for Kentucky 2016-2020.
Review Status:Reasonable
Observed Date:5/29/2020 9:25:00 PM
Project Description:Center for Conservation Biology, College of William and Mary. 2020. The United States Nightjar Survey Network. Data for Kentucky 2016-2020.
Review Status:Reasonable
Observed Date:5/29/2020 9:25:00 PM
Project Description:Center for Conservation Biology, College of William and Mary. 2020. The United States Nightjar Survey Network. Data for Kentucky 2016-2020.
Review Status:Reasonable
Observed Date:5/29/2020 9:25:00 PM
Project Description:Center for Conservation Biology, College of William and Mary. 2020. The United States Nightjar Survey Network. Data for Kentucky 2016-2020.
Review Status:Reasonable
Observed Date:5/16/2019 9:10:00 PM
Project Description:Center for Conservation Biology, College of William and Mary. 2020. The United States Nightjar Survey Network. Data for Kentucky 2016-2020.
Review Status:Reasonable
Observed Date:5/16/2019 9:10:00 PM
Project Description:Center for Conservation Biology, College of William and Mary. 2020. The United States Nightjar Survey Network. Data for Kentucky 2016-2020.
Review Status:Reasonable
Observed Date:5/16/2019 9:10:00 PM
Project Description:Center for Conservation Biology, College of William and Mary. 2020. The United States Nightjar Survey Network. Data for Kentucky 2016-2020.
Review Status:Reasonable
Observed Date:5/16/2019 9:10:00 PM
Project Description:Center for Conservation Biology, College of William and Mary. 2020. The United States Nightjar Survey Network. Data for Kentucky 2016-2020.
Review Status:Reasonable
Observed Date:5/16/2019 9:10:00 PM
Project Description:Center for Conservation Biology, College of William and Mary. 2020. The United States Nightjar Survey Network. Data for Kentucky 2016-2020.
Review Status:Reasonable
Observed Date:6/6/2018 3:44:00 AM
Project Description:Center for Conservation Biology, College of William and Mary. 2020. The United States Nightjar Survey Network. Data for Kentucky 2016-2020.
Review Status:Reasonable
Observed Date:6/12/2017 11:24:00 PM
Project Description:Center for Conservation Biology, College of William and Mary. 2020. The United States Nightjar Survey Network. Data for Kentucky 2016-2020.
Review Status:Reasonable
Observed Date:6/12/2017 11:24:00 PM
Project Description:Center for Conservation Biology, College of William and Mary. 2020. The United States Nightjar Survey Network. Data for Kentucky 2016-2020.
Review Status:Reasonable
ID#:399318-2016-1 -23
Observed Date:5/24/2016
Project Description:Center for Conservation Biology, College of William and Mary. 2020. The United States Nightjar Survey Network. Data for Kentucky 2016-2020.
Review Status:Reasonable
ID#:399318-2016-1 -24
Observed Date:5/24/2016
Project Description:Center for Conservation Biology, College of William and Mary. 2020. The United States Nightjar Survey Network. Data for Kentucky 2016-2020.
Review Status:Reasonable
ID#:399318-2016-2 -25
Observed Date:5/24/2016
Project Description:Center for Conservation Biology, College of William and Mary. 2020. The United States Nightjar Survey Network. Data for Kentucky 2016-2020.
Review Status:Reasonable
18 observations found
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