Kentucky Species Observation details

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Observations details for species Interior Least Tern Sternula antillarum athalassos for Paducah East quad
Observed Date:6/8/2010
Project Description:Borck, Caitlin T and Kerri Dikun. Kentucky Least Tern colonies 2008-2010. Borck (2008-2009) Eastern Kentucky University, Richmond, Kentucky, Dikun (2010) KDFWR.
Review Status:Reasonable
Observed Date:6/30/2009
Project Description:Borck, Caitlin T and Kerri Dikun. Kentucky Least Tern colonies 2008-2010. Borck (2008-2009) Eastern Kentucky University, Richmond, Kentucky, Dikun (2010) KDFWR.
Review Status:Reasonable
Observed Date:9/11/2007
Project Description:Kentucky Ornithological Society and Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources. 2009. Compilation of Kentucky Warbler Seasonal Reports 2000-2008. Frankfort,
Secondary Source:Palmer-Ball, Jr. , B. and L. McNeely. 2008. The Fall Season 2007. The Kentucky Warbler 84(1):3-17.
Review Status:Reasonable
Observed Date:7/15/2005
Project Description:Kentucky State Nature Preserves Commission. 2017. Natural Heritage database updated June 2017. 801 Schenkel Lane Frankfort.
Review Status:Reasonable
Observed Date:6/12/2005
Project Description:eBird Basic Dataset. Version: EBD_relMay-2014. Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Ithaca, New York. May 2014.
Review Status:Reasonable
Observed Date:6/8/2004
Project Description:Cuzio, B. 2005. Waterbird observations from BirdKy listserve ( and Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resource observers compiled by Beth Cuzio. Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources, Frankfort.
Secondary Source:Bird KY
Review Status:Reasonable
Observed Date:7/1/2003
Project Description:Kentucky State Nature Preserves Commission. 2017. Natural Heritage database updated June 2017. 801 Schenkel Lane Frankfort.
Review Status:Reasonable
Observed Date:7/2/2001
Project Description:Kentucky State Nature Preserves Commission. 2017. Natural Heritage database updated June 2017. 801 Schenkel Lane Frankfort.
Review Status:Reasonable
Observed Date:7/2/2001
Project Description:Kentucky State Nature Preserves Commission. 2017. Natural Heritage database updated June 2017. 801 Schenkel Lane Frankfort.
Review Status:Reasonable
Observed Date:7/17/2000
Project Description:Kentucky State Nature Preserves Commission. 2017. Natural Heritage database updated June 2017. 801 Schenkel Lane Frankfort.
Review Status:Reasonable
Observed Date:7/17/2000
Project Description:Kentucky State Nature Preserves Commission. 2017. Natural Heritage database updated June 2017. 801 Schenkel Lane Frankfort.
Review Status:Reasonable
Observed Date:6/16/2000
Project Description:Kentucky State Nature Preserves Commission. 2017. Natural Heritage database updated June 2017. 801 Schenkel Lane Frankfort.
Review Status:Reasonable
Observed Date:6/16/2000
Project Description:Kentucky State Nature Preserves Commission. 2017. Natural Heritage database updated June 2017. 801 Schenkel Lane Frankfort.
Review Status:Reasonable
Observed Date:7/16/1996
Project Description:Kentucky State Nature Preserves Commission. 2017. Natural Heritage database updated June 2017. 801 Schenkel Lane Frankfort.
Review Status:Reasonable
Observed Date:7/16/1996
Project Description:Kentucky State Nature Preserves Commission. 2017. Natural Heritage database updated June 2017. 801 Schenkel Lane Frankfort.
Review Status:Reasonable
Observed Date:6/26/1995
Project Description:Kentucky State Nature Preserves Commission. 2017. Natural Heritage database updated June 2017. 801 Schenkel Lane Frankfort.
Review Status:Reasonable
Observed Date:6/26/1995
Project Description:Kentucky State Nature Preserves Commission. 2017. Natural Heritage database updated June 2017. 801 Schenkel Lane Frankfort.
Review Status:Reasonable
Observed Date:7/18/1994
Project Description:Palmer-Ball Jr., Brainard. 1995. 1994 Survey of Least tern nesting colonies in Kentucky, The Kentucky Warbler 71:5-8 AND Cuzio, E., B. Palmer-Ball, Jr. and G. Burnett. 2005. 2005 Survey of Interior Least tern nesting colonies in Kentucky, The Kentucky Warbler. 81:99-103
Secondary Source:Palmer-Ball 1995
Review Status:Reasonable
Observed Date:6/27/1994
Project Description:Palmer-Ball Jr., Brainard. 1995. 1994 Survey of Least tern nesting colonies in Kentucky, The Kentucky Warbler 71:5-8 AND Cuzio, E., B. Palmer-Ball, Jr. and G. Burnett. 2005. 2005 Survey of Interior Least tern nesting colonies in Kentucky, The Kentucky Warbler. 81:99-103
Secondary Source:Palmer-Ball 1995
Review Status:Reasonable
Observed Date:6/27/1994
Project Description:Kentucky State Nature Preserves Commission. 2017. Natural Heritage database updated June 2017. 801 Schenkel Lane Frankfort.
Review Status:Reasonable
Observed Date:6/27/1994
Project Description:Kentucky State Nature Preserves Commission. 2017. Natural Heritage database updated June 2017. 801 Schenkel Lane Frankfort.
Review Status:Reasonable
Observed Date:6/27/1994
Project Description:Kentucky State Nature Preserves Commission. 2017. Natural Heritage database updated June 2017. 801 Schenkel Lane Frankfort.
Review Status:Reasonable
Observed Date:1/1/1986
Project Description:Kentucky State Nature Preserves Commission. 2017. Natural Heritage database updated June 2017. 801 Schenkel Lane Frankfort.
Review Status:Reasonable
Observed Date:Not Available
Publish Year:1996
Project Description:Palmer-Ball, Brainard L. , Jr. 1996. The Kentucky breeding bird atlas. The University Press of Kentucky, Lexington.
Review Status:Reasonable
Observed Date:Not Available
Observed Year:2000
Project Description:U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. 2001. Threatened and Endangered species in Dredge sites, Louisville District. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Louisville District Civil, 600 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Place, Louisville, KY 40202.
Review Status:Reasonable
Observed Date:Not Available
Observed Year:2000
Project Description:U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. 2001. Threatened and Endangered species in Dredge sites, Louisville District. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Louisville District Civil, 600 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Place, Louisville, KY 40202.
Review Status:Reasonable
26 observations found
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