Kentucky Species Observation details

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Observations details for species Bewick's Wren Thryomanes bewickii for Logan county
Observed Date:5/26/2000
Project Description:Kentucky Ornithological Society and Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources. 2009. Compilation of Kentucky Warbler Seasonal Reports 2000-2008. Frankfort,
Secondary Source:Busroe, F. M. 2000. The Spring Season, 2000. The Kentucky Warbler 76(3):43-47.
Review Status:Reasonable
Observed Date:5/9/1949
Project Description:vertnet. 2015. Kentucky data downloaded from, a compilation of data from multiple collections. The secondary source should be used to obtain the data publisher and record citation for a particular record (accessed on February 6, 2015).
Secondary Source:UMMZ-Birds.University of Michigan Museum of Zoology; ; (accessed 2/5/2015)
Review Status:Reasonable
ID#:urn:occurrence:Arctos:CUMV:Bird:12878:2288849.CUMV-Bird specimens
Observed Date:5/10/1906
Project Description:vertnet. 2015. Kentucky data downloaded from, a compilation of data from multiple collections. The secondary source should be used to obtain the data publisher and record citation for a particular record (accessed on February 6, 2015).
Secondary Source:CUMV-Bird specimens.Cornell University Museum of Vertebrates; ; (accessed 2/5/2015)
Review Status:Reasonable
ID#:urn:occurrence:Arctos:CUMV:Bird:12877:2254736.CUMV-Bird specimens
Observed Date:5/20/1905
Project Description:vertnet. 2015. Kentucky data downloaded from, a compilation of data from multiple collections. The secondary source should be used to obtain the data publisher and record citation for a particular record (accessed on February 6, 2015).
Secondary Source:CUMV-Bird specimens.Cornell University Museum of Vertebrates; ; (accessed 2/5/2015)
Review Status:Reasonable
ID#:urn:occurrence:Arctos:MVZ:Bird:38185:1177875.MVZ-Bird specimens
Observed Date:4/8/1905
Project Description:vertnet. 2015. Kentucky data downloaded from, a compilation of data from multiple collections. The secondary source should be used to obtain the data publisher and record citation for a particular record (accessed on February 6, 2015).
Secondary Source:MVZ-Bird specimens.Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, Berkely; ; (accessed 2/5/2015)
Review Status:Reasonable
ID#:urn:occurrence:Arctos:MVZ:Bird:38183:171475.MVZ-Bird specimens
Observed Date:4/1/1905
Project Description:vertnet. 2015. Kentucky data downloaded from, a compilation of data from multiple collections. The secondary source should be used to obtain the data publisher and record citation for a particular record (accessed on February 6, 2015).
Secondary Source:MVZ-Bird specimens.Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, Berkely; ; (accessed 2/5/2015)
Review Status:Reasonable
ID#:urn:occurrence:Arctos:MVZ:Bird:38184:1628963.MVZ-Bird specimens
Observed Date:4/1/1905
Project Description:vertnet. 2015. Kentucky data downloaded from, a compilation of data from multiple collections. The secondary source should be used to obtain the data publisher and record citation for a particular record (accessed on February 6, 2015).
Secondary Source:MVZ-Bird specimens.Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, Berkely; ; (accessed 2/5/2015)
Review Status:Reasonable
ID#:urn:occurrence:Arctos:MVZ:Bird:38182:328196.MVZ-Bird specimens
Observed Date:3/30/1905
Project Description:vertnet. 2015. Kentucky data downloaded from, a compilation of data from multiple collections. The secondary source should be used to obtain the data publisher and record citation for a particular record (accessed on February 6, 2015).
Secondary Source:MVZ-Bird specimens.Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, Berkely; ; (accessed 2/5/2015)
Review Status:Reasonable
8 observations found
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