Kentucky Species Observation details

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Observations details for species Magnolia Warbler Setophaga magnolia for Mistletoe quad
Observed Date:6/3/1994
Project Description:Daniel Boone National Forest. 2011. Data from 1993-2000 driving route bird point counts in Daniel Boone National Forest. Winchester.
Review Status:Not reviewed
Observed Date:6/3/1994
Project Description:Daniel Boone National Forest. 2011. Data from 1993-2000 driving route bird point counts in Daniel Boone National Forest. Winchester.
Review Status:Not reviewed
Observed Date:6/3/1994
Project Description:Daniel Boone National Forest. 2011. Data from 1993-2000 driving route bird point counts in Daniel Boone National Forest. Winchester.
Review Status:Not reviewed
Observed Date:6/3/1994
Project Description:Daniel Boone National Forest. 2011. Data from 1993-2000 driving route bird point counts in Daniel Boone National Forest. Winchester.
Review Status:Not reviewed
Observed Date:5/28/1994
Project Description:Daniel Boone National Forest. 2011. Data from 1993-2000 driving route bird point counts in Daniel Boone National Forest. Winchester.
Review Status:Not reviewed
5 observations found
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