Kentucky Species Observation details

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Observations details for species Dickcissel Spiza americana for Drake quad
Observed Date:6/27/2012
Project Description:Lituma, C. 2013. On road grassland bird survey Breckinridge, Butler, Hart, Logan, Livingston, Ohio, Warren and Webster counties 2012. University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Review Status:Reasonable
Observed Date:6/27/2012
Project Description:Lituma, C. 2013. On road grassland bird survey Breckinridge, Butler, Hart, Logan, Livingston, Ohio, Warren and Webster counties 2012. University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Review Status:Reasonable
Observed Date:6/4/2012
Project Description:Lituma, C. 2013. On road grassland bird survey Breckinridge, Butler, Hart, Logan, Livingston, Ohio, Warren and Webster counties 2012. University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Review Status:Reasonable
Observed Date:5/28/2010
Project Description:University of Tennessee Knoxville. 2012. Central Hardwoods Joint Venture (CHJV) Grassland bird study, point counts 2010-2011. Knoxville
Review Status:Reasonable
Observed Date:5/28/2010
Project Description:University of Tennessee Knoxville. 2012. Central Hardwoods Joint Venture (CHJV) Grassland bird study, point counts 2010-2011. Knoxville
Review Status:Reasonable
Observed Date:5/28/2010
Project Description:University of Tennessee Knoxville. 2012. Central Hardwoods Joint Venture (CHJV) Grassland bird study, point counts 2010-2011. Knoxville
Review Status:Reasonable
Observed Date:7/4/2008
Project Description:T. Beachy and D. A Buehler. 2008. Priority grassland bird distribution and abundance in Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, and Tennessee, with a special emphasis on Henslow’s Sparrow , point counts 2008. University of Tennessee Knoxville
Review Status:Reasonable
Observed Date:7/4/2008
Project Description:T. Beachy and D. A Buehler. 2008. Priority grassland bird distribution and abundance in Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, and Tennessee, with a special emphasis on Henslow’s Sparrow , point counts 2008. University of Tennessee Knoxville
Review Status:Reasonable
Observed Date:7/4/2008
Project Description:T. Beachy and D. A Buehler. 2008. Priority grassland bird distribution and abundance in Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, and Tennessee, with a special emphasis on Henslow’s Sparrow , point counts 2008. University of Tennessee Knoxville
Review Status:Reasonable
Observed Date:7/4/2008
Project Description:T. Beachy and D. A Buehler. 2008. Priority grassland bird distribution and abundance in Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, and Tennessee, with a special emphasis on Henslow’s Sparrow , point counts 2008. University of Tennessee Knoxville
Review Status:Reasonable
Observed Date:7/4/2008
Project Description:T. Beachy and D. A Buehler. 2008. Priority grassland bird distribution and abundance in Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, and Tennessee, with a special emphasis on Henslow’s Sparrow , point counts 2008. University of Tennessee Knoxville
Review Status:Reasonable
Observed Date:5/6/1949
Project Description:vertnet. 2015. Kentucky data downloaded from, a compilation of data from multiple collections. The secondary source should be used to obtain the data publisher and record citation for a particular record (accessed on February 6, 2015).
Secondary Source:UMMZ-Birds.University of Michigan Museum of Zoology; ; (accessed 2/5/2015)
Review Status:Reasonable
Observed Date:Not Available
Publish Year:1996
Project Description:Palmer-Ball, Brainard L. , Jr. 1996. The Kentucky breeding bird atlas. The University Press of Kentucky, Lexington.
Review Status:Reasonable
13 observations found
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