Kentucky Species Observation details

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Observations details for species Spotted Bass Micropterus punctulatus for Kayjay quad
Observed Date:6/6/1968
Project Description:Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources. 1995. Fish sampling data compiled by KDFWR 1937-1995. Includes Fisheries Division annual reports, scientific collection permit reports, special projects, and others. Frankfort.
Secondary Source:KY Dept. of Fish and Wildlife - Fisheries Bulletin No. 52
Review Status:Reasonable
Observed Date:6/6/1968
Project Description:Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources. 1995. Fish sampling data compiled by KDFWR 1937-1995. Includes Fisheries Division annual reports, scientific collection permit reports, special projects, and others. Frankfort.
Secondary Source:KY Dept. of Fish and Wildlife - Fisheries Bulletin No. 52
Review Status:Reasonable
Observed Date:Not Available
Observed Year:1997
Project Description:Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources. 2015. Various scientific publications, reports, and paper scientific collection submissions 1960 to present. Records compiled by Kentucky Fish and Wildlife Information Systems section. Frankfort.
Secondary Source:Hartowicz, E. 1997. Scientific Collection Report. Field Study of Brush, Poplar, and Greasy Creeks in Knox County Kentucky for the presence of Blackside Dace (Phoxinus cumberlandensis). Ed Hartowicz Environmental Consulting, Lexington, Kentucky.
Review Status:Reasonable
Observed Date:Not Available
Observed Year:1997
Project Description:Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources. 2015. Various scientific publications, reports, and paper scientific collection submissions 1960 to present. Records compiled by Kentucky Fish and Wildlife Information Systems section. Frankfort.
Secondary Source:Hartowicz, E. 1997. Scientific Collection Report. Field Study of Brush, Poplar, and Greasy Creeks in Knox County Kentucky for the presence of Blackside Dace (Phoxinus cumberlandensis). Ed Hartowicz Environmental Consulting, Lexington, Kentucky.
Review Status:Reasonable
Observed Date:Not Available
Observed Year:1997
Project Description:Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources. 2015. Various scientific publications, reports, and paper scientific collection submissions 1960 to present. Records compiled by Kentucky Fish and Wildlife Information Systems section. Frankfort.
Secondary Source:Hartowicz, E. 1997. Scientific Collection Report. Field Study of Brush, Poplar, and Greasy Creeks in Knox County Kentucky for the presence of Blackside Dace (Phoxinus cumberlandensis). Ed Hartowicz Environmental Consulting, Lexington, Kentucky.
Review Status:Reasonable
Observed Date:Not Available
Observed Year:1984
Project Description:Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources. 1995. Fish sampling data compiled by KDFWR 1937-1995. Includes Fisheries Division annual reports, scientific collection permit reports, special projects, and others. Frankfort.
Secondary Source:T.C.F.R., TENNESSEE TECH - Status Survey of the Blackside Dace
Review Status:Reasonable
6 observations found
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