Kentucky Species Observation details

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Observations details for species Mapleleaf Quadrula quadrula for Moorefield quad
Observed Date:8/30/2007
Project Description:Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources. 2019. Aquatic collection reports for Mussels and Fish 2002 -2019. Frankfort.
Review Status:Not reviewed
Observed Date:8/2/2007
Project Description:Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources. 2019. Aquatic collection reports for Mussels and Fish 2002 -2019. Frankfort.
Review Status:Not reviewed
Observed Date:7/27/2006
Project Description:Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources. 2019. Aquatic collection reports for Mussels and Fish 2002 -2019. Frankfort.
Review Status:Not reviewed
Observed Date:8/6/1991
Project Description:Schuster, Guenter. 1998. Collection of mussel records 1909-1998, subset (mussel only) from a database called EKU Invertebrates Museum Collection. Department of Biological Sciences, Eastern Kentucky University. Richmond
Secondary Source:Unknown
Review Status:Not reviewed
Observed Date:8/9/1987
Project Description:Laudermilk, E.L., 1993, A Survey of the Unionids (Bivalvia: Unionidae) of the Mainstream Licking River and Selected Tributaries below Cave Run Reservoir, Kentucky [Master thesis]: Richmond, Eastern Kentucky University, Richmond.
Secondary Source:Unknown
Review Status:Not reviewed
5 observations found
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